File Content Modification Detection with Auditd

Scope & Required Knowledge

Before we dive in, let me tell you what this article is about and what it is not.

This article is not meant to cover:

  • How auditd works
  • How to configure auditd rules
  • Explaining the record types of auditd

But it is about:

  • How to detect if a file content was changed using auditd logs
  • A deep dive into open/openat system call - the SYSCALL record of auditd

It’s highly recommended to read these articles before reading my article:

All the examples and commands in this article were tested on :

  • CentOS 7 and Kali 2021.4.
  • The results and outputs may vary depending on the distribution and version of Linux you are using.


Last month, I was reading and learning about auditd, a Linux audit system that gives us the capability to see all actions from the kernel’s perspective.


One of the cases that I was investigating with auditd was file content change detection. I wanted to use auditd to detect if any of the files had been modified or changed in any way, such as by an attacker altering the configuration of a web server (the .htaccess file for instance), or updating the SSH server keys (or the authorized_keys file). I ran the tests on two Linux distributions, Centos 7 and Kali 2021.4, using the standard auditd rule for tracking file changes. I should mention that I made a minimal change on that rule (which I will describe later). The first test ran on Centos, and the last test ran on Kali. In Centos, I found that the rule was generating logs every time the file was accessed with write permission, which does not necessarily mean that the file content had been updated. In Kali, however, the situation was different. I applied the same auditd rule to detect file content changes, but it was a straightforward process and the auditd rule generated logs only when the file content was changed.

In this article, I will share with you the results, analysis and observations of these two tests, and how I found a way to detect file content changes in Centos.

Let the hunt begin!

The Standard Auditd Rule for Tracking File Changes

One of the resources that I found online that suggested a way to monitor file changes using auditd was this article from RedHat. This article provides an example of an auditd rule that is supposed to log any attempt to access a file with write (w), read (r), and attribute change (a) permissions.

auditctl -w /etc/hosts -p war -k monitor-hosts

in my case, I was only interested in write activities. So I updated the rule to be like :

auditctl -w /etc/hosts -p w -k hosts_file_content_changed

I tested the rule in two scenarios. In the first scenario, I opened the file without making any changes. In the second scenario, I opened the file and updated it. I did both scenarios on Centos and Kali machines. Let’s first see the results on Centos machine.

Testing The Rule on Centos

Scenario #1 : File opened, no update

In this scenario, I opened the file with the nano editor, but I did not make any change. As shown in the screenshot below, the rule was triggered (one log entry)


We can see that one log entry was generated with the type SYSCALL. This event indicates that the open syscall (see the ID in the syscall field) was successfully invoked (see the success field). A quick look at the man page of the open system call reveals the following definition:

The open() system call opens the file specified by pathname.

However, the open system call is not only used for opening files. It can also be invoked when a file is created or some content is written into a file. This is stated on the same man page of the open system call.

If the specified file does not exist, it may optionally (if O_CREAT is specified in flags) be created by open().

This sentence means that the O_CREAT flag can be used to create a file when it is passed to the open system call.

Now, let’s examine the flags that were passed to the open syscall when we only opened the file, without modifying its content. We can spot the open syscall flags in the a1 field [1] . In this scenario the value was


Let’s examine the flags parameter of the open system call in more detail. The man page of open says this about flags:

The argument flags must include one of the following access modes: O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR. These request opening the file read-only, write-only, or read/write, respectively.

In addition, zero or more file creation flags and file status flags can be bitwise-or’d in flags. The file creation flags are O_CLOEXEC, O_CREAT, O_DIRECTORY, O_EXCL, O_NOCTTY, O_NOFOLLOW, O_TMPFILE, and O_TRUNC. The file status flags are all of the remaining flags listed below.

This means that flags consists of three parts that can be combined with the bitwise OR operator (|):

  1. An access mode
  2. Zero or more file creation flags
  3. Zero or more file status flags

Let’s revisit the flags value that is passed through the a1. The a1=441 is a hexadecimal representation. This corresponds to O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND (each flag has a constant value defined in the fcntl.h file), which means opening the file for writing only, creating it if it does not exist, and appending to it if it already exists.

Also, to interpret the hex values, we can use the ausearch tool with this command:

 ausearch -i -a <event-id>


Let’s revisit our rule too. As you may remember, the rule was only logging the write permission, and by looking at the log generated by the rule we can see that the O_WRONLY flag is present in the flags value of the open system call. This makes sense, but it is not enough to detect content change, because we cannot be sure that the file was actually modified based on this log record alone.

In the next section, we will see a more reliable record that we can use to identify the file content change

Scenario #2 : File opened, content updated

In this scenario, I opened the file with nano again, but this time I changed the content. As shown in the screenshot below, the rule was triggered and generated two log entries.


The first record is identical to the one we saw in Scenario #1. To recap, we can see that the a1 value is 441, which means O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND. The second record has a different a1 value, which is 241. It is important to note that the first record was generated when the file was opened, while the second record was generated after I modified the file content and closed the file.

Let’s examine the second record more closely. We can see that the a1 value is 241. This represents O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC as we can see with ausearch result


This means that the file is opened for writing only, creating it if it does not exist, and truncating it if it already exists

Comparing the two scenarios, we can conclude that:

  • for Scenario #1 : when the file is opened with write permission but the content is not updated, we would expect to see one SYSCALL record indicating that the open system call was invoked with a1=441 (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND).
  • for Scenario #2: when the file is opened with write permission and the content is updated, we would expect to see two SYSCALL records, both indicating that the open system call was invoked, but with different values of a1: the first event has a1=441 (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND) and the second event has a1=241 (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC).

Let’s turn now to the Kali machine scenarios.

Testing The Rule on Kali

Scenario #1 : File opened, no update

In this scenario, no log entry was generated, as we can see in the screenshot below. Kali seems to treat the write permission defined in the rule differently (I have not investigated this aspect).


Scenario #2 : File opened, content updated

In this scenario, we only saw one record, as shown in the image below


The generated record is similar to the one we saw in Centos when the file content was updated, except that the openat system call (257) was invoked instead of open and the flags were passed through the a2 not a1. However, the openat record has the same value for the flags as the open record, which is a2=241 (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC).



In this article, I have shown how to use auditd to monitor file changes in Linux. I have also observed some interesting findings: auditd behavior is not the same in different Linux distributions, such as Kali and Centos. This is may be because each distribution has its own kernel, and auditd simply reports what the kernel sees for a given activity. Therefore, when building auditd rules, it is important to test them in the target distribution and adjust them accordingly. In short, one auditd rule might not generate the same logs in all Linux distributions. This is a crucial point to keep in mind when building your detection rules.

The diagram below summarizes the two test scenarios in Kali and Centos. 1